[期刊或研討會論文 | Journal & Conference Publications]
- Tsun-Hung Tsai*, Yi-Wei Chiang (2024). A Real-time Augmented Reality Streaming Device with Mobile Capabilities for Vtuber. 7th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024 (ICKII 2024). Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.
- Tsun-Hung Tsai*, Yi-Wei Chiang (2024). Enhancing Augmented Reality Interactions: Dynamic Control of Virtual Characters via SLAM and Motion Matching. The 14th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2024). Singapore.
- Tsai, Tsun-Hung, Lee, Wan-Yu* (2024). A Study on Constructing Immersive Cross-Sensory Experiences to Influence Temporal Perception. ISEA 2024 and the Fourth Summit on New Media Art Archiving, Brisbane, Australia.
- Chang, Hsiang-Hua, Tsai, Tsun-Hung* (2024). Integrating performance into a typical immersive spaces through motion capture technology. ISEA 2024 and the Fourth Summit on New Media Art Archiving, Brisbane, Australia.
- Tsun-Hung Tsai, Ching-Ju Cheng(2024). Integration of Physical Exhibitions and Gamified Extended Reality Experiences in the Application and Study of Historical Courses。GCCCE 2024,重慶。
- Tsun-Hung Tsai (2023). Development of a Panoramic Live Broadcasting Robot for Exhibition Venues. 2023 The 4th Asia Conference on Computers and Communications. Shanghai.
- 高秉誠,曾郁婷,蔡遵弘*(2023)。降低衝動性消費之互動式系統設計與研究 (Design and study of interactive system to reduce impulsive consumption)。2023第六屆科技藝術國際學術研討會。國立臺灣科學教育館。
- 李宛諭,蔡遵弘*(2022)。新媒體藝術之音像的時間紋理。2022實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會。實踐大學。
- 林庭綺,蔡遵弘*(2022)。以複合媒材攝影技法觀看悲傷剝奪–以深瀨昌久為例。2022亞太藝術與人文國際研討會。東華大學。
- 彭梓嘉,蔡遵弘*(2022)。女性自身身體意象的投射應用於創作中–以〈慢談急性與慢性體內生長系列〉創作為例。2022亞太藝術與人文國際研討會。東華大學。
- Hung Sun , Tsun-Hung Tsai* and Ke Jiang. (2022). Combining 360° Video and Camera Mapping for Virtual Reality : An Innovative Solution. Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies. Volume 2, Issue 2.
- Tsun-Hung Tsai, Hsiang-Hua Chang*. (2022). Research of the process of the education system been changed were enhanced by holding a interactive exhibition at library. IEEE ICKII 2022, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, July 22, 2022. (BEST PAPER AWARD)
- Chi Han-Chun, Tsai Tsun-Hung* & Chen Szu Yu. (2020). A Study on applying Button to SLAM-based Augmented Reality System in Interactive Exhibition. IEEE ECICE 2020, Yunlin, Taiwan. October 23~25.
- Tzu-Heng Liu & Tsun-Hung Tsai*. (2020). Discussion on Conversion of Voice into Taste. IEEE ICKII 2020, Kaohsiung. Taiwan, August 21, 2020. (BEST PAPER AWARD)
- Tsun-Hung Tsai & Lai-Chung Lee. (2020). The application of location-based augmented reality on cultural guide and the Strategies of Sustainable Development. IEEE ECEI2020, Hanoi, Vietnam, February 5, 2020. (BEST PAPER AWARD)
- Li-Hsing Ho, Hung Sun & Tsun-Hung Tsai. (2019). Research on 3D Painting in Virtual Reality to Improve Students’ Motivation of 3D Animation Learning. Sustainability 2019, 11, 1605. ( SCI, SSCI )
- 黃意晴,蔡遵弘*(2019)。藝術與設計科系創作物資循環策略之分析研究-以實踐大學為例。2019實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會。實踐大學。
- 李豔琳,蔡遵弘*(2019)。基於弱化視覺以提升聽覺的感官抽離之創作——以《Separation》為例。2019實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會。實踐大學。
- 陳瑋婷,蔡遵弘*(2019)。基於登門檻效應對人際關係產生壓迫感之創作-—以《SPACE》為例。2019實踐大學設計學院國際設計學術與創作研討會。實踐大學。
- Tsun-Hung Tsai & Yi-Wei Chiang. (2019). Research study on applying SLAM-based augmented reality technology for gamification history guide. IEEE ICKII2019, Korea, July 13-16, 2019. (BEST PAPER AWARD)
- TSAI, T. H., & LEE, L. C. (2017). LOCATION-BASED AUGMENTED REALITY FOR EXPLORATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE. ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveys, 8(12), 1577-1583. (Scopus)
[書籍與雜誌 | Books and Magazines]
- 財團法人數位藝術基金會「藝術松 ARThon No.4:替身」
- 國父紀念館館刊59期:文化場館的展示科技應用趨勢。112年6月30日。P.56~p.61
- 文化部文化場域跨創新研究報告:文化場館之通訊技術(CT)、專業技術 (OT)、資訊技術(IT)最新趨勢
- 台灣光華雜誌:乘著高速網路起飛 航向虛實交融、 多維共演的新美地
- 大誌雜誌11月號「登入元宇宙」(Login Metaverse)生活篇:元宇宙娛樂、遊戲的應用型態
- 《外婆的太陽》臺中市政府新聞局110 年度原創漫畫創作
- 博物館數位轉型與智慧創新–數位人文展示策劃與數位互動設計策略:以國家圖書館「憶起上學展」為例
- 財團法人數位藝術基金會「藝術松 ARThon No. 2:AI」
- 財團法人數位藝術基金會「藝術松:創刊號 ARThon No. 1:VR Matters」
- MAYA動畫製作及特效應用實務
- MAYA動畫設計實務
- 3D互動網站利器-PLASMA